Thursday 5 January 2012

Editing Diary

Friday 9th December
  • Capture tape
  • Deleted unneeded things
Monday 12th December
  • Decided on Town interview questions
  • Liz on the sun beds footage
  • Made the beggining by linking all the people together in the same shot and switching these around
Tuesday 13th December
  • Put in helens interviews
  • Added dip to black between shots
Wednesday 14th December
  • Added jade doing her make-up
  • Added Jade interview
  • Sped up the make-up scene
Friday 16th December
  • More town interviews making them link with what was coming next
  • Dip to black inbetween shots
  • Added heather
Monday 19th December
  • Changed the size of some of the shots so they were all the same
  • Added article on Katie Price
  • Paths to different parts of Katie Prices article
Wednesday 21st December
  • Converted and downloaded the videos of archieve footage
  • Edited these to the right size
  • Edited these in together
Thursday 22nd December
  • Found appropriate music
  • Converted music
  • Edited music to fit
  • Put in audio transitions
Friday 23rd December
  • Added video transitions (dip to black and cross fade)
  • Fill sound left, only coming out of one side
  • Downloaded fonts
  • Added titles
  • Added effect on titles
Monday 2nd January
  • Made minor ajustments to editing
  • Checked everything to make sure it was right

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