Thursday 5 January 2012

Secondary Research

Sun beds
• Sun beds aren't a safe alternative to tanning outdoors. Like the sun, sun beds give out harmful UV rays which damage the DNA in our skin cells and can cause skin cancer.
• Sun beds are estimated to cause around 100 deaths from melanoma every year in the UK.
• Sun beds also cause premature skin ageing, which means that your skin becomes coarse, leathery and wrinkled at a younger age. So when the tan fades, the damage remains.
• By using sun beds people may think they look better with a tan which is why they do it but it’s damaging the body and could cause cancer.

People who are most at risk:
• Younger people
• People who have a lot of moles
• People with fair skin
• People who burn easily
• Have had skin cancer in the past
• A family history of skin cancer

People who use sun beds underage increase their risk of malignant by 75%.
In the UK almost 9,000 cases of malignant melanoma are diagnosed each year - and more than 1,800 die from the disease each year.

Plastic Surgery.
Boob job = Start at £2,750 then increases to £5000
Nose Job = £3000 - £4000
Liposuction= £1.500 - £5000
Facelifts = £4.500

Surgeons can reshape the appearance of body parts through cosmetic surgery. Some of the most common body parts people want to improve through surgery include:
Breasts: Increase or reduce the size of breasts or reshape sagging breasts
Ears: Reduce the size of large ears or set protruding ears back closer to the head
Eyes: Correct drooping upper eyelids or remove puffy bags below the eyes
Face: Remove facial wrinkles, creases or acne scars
Hair: Fill in balding areas with one's own hair
Nose: Change the shape of the nose
Tummy: Flatten the abdomen

Articles on Plastic surgery.

This spread sheet shows us the amount of people getting plastic surgery in England and the rises and falls of the amount of men or women getting different types of surgery in different years. it shows us that 9,430 breast enlargements were done in the UK in 2010 going up by 10% from 2009 and women getting liposuction went down by 3.8% from 3,010 down to 2,896 from 09-10.

These are some more statistics i have found whilst doing my secondary research-
  • Sunbeds are estimated to cause 100 deaths from melanoma every year in the UK
  • Sunbeds also cause premature skin ageing, which means that your skin becomes coarse, leathery and wrinkled at a younger age. So when the tan fades, the damage remains.

Using sunbeds for the first time before the age of 35 increases the risk of developing melanoma skin cancer by 75%.

Articles on Plastic surgery.

"Even relatively minor mishaps can be unsightly and embarrassing, and plastic surgery gone wrong includes an enormous range of problems, from capsular contraction in breast implants (where the implants harden painfully) to problems with the wound and the slippage of implants inserted in a range of locations, including cheeks, chin, and butt. Surely we wouldn't wish these accidents on our worst enemies - unless they were in the public eye."

"Thirty years ago they were the heart-throbs of French television with their own primetime series on science fiction.
Now Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff look more like the alien life forms they used to report on.
The twin brothers have had so much plastic surgery they are barely recognisable.
Posing for pictures as the 150th anniversary party for luxury jeweller Chopard, the pair - now aged 60 - looked freakier than ever" ->
"From questions about costs of plastic surgery, to the history and definition of plastic surgery, this is the place to find general information on all things plastic surgery related."

Boobs bums and Botox. Video on

Mother and daughter, how mother has had Botox, teeth bleached, hair straightened and a boob job:
What happens on the day of surgery:
Woman having surgery, showing surgery and interviewing her as it goes:
                                                   Celebrities, before and after surgery:

Many People are influenced to wear make up and have plastic surgery as either they are influence be the image of celebrities or they are influenced by magazines telling them how to look good and how to love who you are. Women will look up to people like katie price and want to change themselves, having surgery trying to be more like her. Are celebrities the ones making the general public perseve the way they look.

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