Thursday 5 January 2012

Tracking white sharks Documentary.

Under the water which shows thw audience how vulnerable they would be in the deep water where sharks mistake there pray for humans.
On boats showing footage of people cage diving with sharks.

Narrative Structure.
Within this documentary there is a man narrator who speaks in the background, They interview a man who is tracking down sharks to make the audience understand a lot more about sharks by using a proffesional tracker. they are trying to make people think that sharks arnt all just bad saying its there home in the sea and there only looking for food, they dont intend to kill humans, there predators of other species in the sea. It shows images of humans next to sharks to let the audience know how big a shark is to a human and that they are very vulnerable.

Camera Work.
Hand held camera work, also use real footage underwater cameras showing the audience what the shark is like when the divers spread food around, whereas thw audience can then see in the sharks teeth and how sharp the teeth are. Under water camera close up to show the sharks features and how big they are. Low shot of shark to show its more powerful and that has control. High shot of people on the boat to show they are vulnerable in a sharks environment. Establishing shot of beach whereas people are all happy on the beach. Through the whole documentary they use real footage and many interviews. There is also a point of view shot making it look as if your the shark moving around the sea.
They do use Rule of thirds in the interviews that they have and here is an example.. they keep to one side of the camera and keep a medium head shot angle so the audience know what to focus on.

Mise en Scene
Men go scuba diving and cage diving to get closer to the sharks which it shows them jumping in the cage showing the audience real footage of what its like to track sharks.
People wear swimsuites
Bright lighting to show the effects of the shark.
Dark in the blue sea showing where they have gone is deep water and where most sharks will be.
Sattelite tracking of the sharks shows it on a computer screen, which is using technology.
Image of map where most sharks are bound to be.
In the image underneath it shows a shark next to a man showing how big it is to a human and how vulnerable a human could be when there in water with a great white shark.

Wave sounds to show its in the water/or on a beach. Sounds of the people talking from an interview. Fast up beat music to get the audience excited Man voice who is the narrator making sure the audience know what the documentary is about and so they understand it. Laughing from people on the beaches shows they are having a fun time and are happy. Wave sounds and people laughing queitly on a beach to make it look relaxing.

White writing comes up on the screem ovver the documentary White title 'Trakcing great white sharks' appears on the screen. Cutaways of sharks changes from different images for example the boat scene then cuts to the shark under the water. There are Quick movements to show the atmosphere, it also has a quick movement of a point of view show making it look as if its from the sharks eyes and how fast is moves.

Flashing light titles, this will get the audience excited and feel of the edge of their chairs. There is not many graphics used within the documentary. In the image underneath it shows the shark fading out but then a map comes up showing where sharks travel, but both images are still there.

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