Thursday 5 January 2012

An investigation into 9-11.

 America - this lets the audience know where it took place.
Twin Towers - what the whole documentary is about and what it lead to, also shows the affects it had on people and their lives.
Town City - the exact point where it all happened
Terrorism - Showing that it was a terrist attack on the towers

Camera Work.
Hand held camera from inside a fire truck looking up at the towers, which shows its very unsafe to be around there as they could collapse at any time. Real footage of twin towers collapsing and planes going into both towers. Low shot of building to show how something so big can be knocked down within hours/minutes.
Camera follows a segal - which makes things look relaxing but then goes to the twin towers being damaged. Esatblishing shot of buildings twin towers. Footage of building on firem there are different real footages which keep on showing to show the audience each bit of what happened. Rule of thirds in all interviews, with medium shots to show the focus is on the interviewee. There are many different shots within this documentary for example extreme close ups, this is to show the damage of the towers so people can see what actually happened. There are also cut aways of pictures from one tower to the other in a quick motion. There are pan shots up and down of the towers, showing they were a big part of America this maybe why the terrorists attacked it.
The image underneath shows that in the camera
work they use rule of thirds on every interview.

Narrative Structure.
In the background of this documentary there is a male narrator speaking making sure that the audience understand what has happened letting everyone know exactly what the documentary is about. This Documentary is about the lives of people who lived around America when the planes hit both twin towers. It goes through different interviews with people such as family of those who died, people who were in the building at the time, and the fire men and their families. They tell us how they felt that day and what a disaster it was. It also shows us real footage of the events that took place that day. There is also footage of recordings where people talk to their families on the phone telling them that they have been hijacked. it goes on telling the audience exactly what happened on that day, how it effected the lives of people who had been killed in side of the building and the effects it had on fireman trying to save people but couldnt get them in time. There are interviews of people who were in the towers saying what it was like and that they thought it was the end of their life at the time. Its an emotional structure of a documentary. It shows the difficult times.

Sound of real footage recordings of people inside the building where the plane had hit.
World trade centre collapsing and crashing down. Repeating words 'Justice'.
Bomb sounds and explosions, this shows the audience what kind of sounds people would be hearing that day. People crying and screaming. Interview sounds of people talking about what happened on that day.
Police, Ambulance and Fire truck sirens going off, showing how much people were trying to help.
Up beat music showing the tension and that how bad the situation was. There are many sounds within this documentary to let the audience into everything what happened from the plane explosions, the real footage recordings. Within the documentary there is fast music which shows the feelings and the reactions of the people in America that day, it also shows there was a massive atmosphere. Intense upbeat music playing in the background of the documentary.
In the image underneath it shows the writing on the screen but within the documentary you can hear the real footage of the lady speaking, after this there is a massive explosion.

Interview with Brian Clark who was in one of the towers (building two) Rule of thirds. Manager of Eurobooks in the 2nd tower where they were told the place didnt need to be evacuated, but then abother plane hit tower two, he was above the plane when it had hit but managed to get out.
Screen goes dark when smoke and dust comes over it, which is real footage showing exactly what happened. Image of bin laden this shows that he was getting the blame for the 911 investigation.
People have ash and dust all over them from where the tower has been on fire. People are running around with blood on them. Man jumping from window showing he couldnt take the heat inside but landed on a fireman and instantly killed him. American Flag showing where it all took place. 8.46 first building was hit by plane on 93rd-94th floor. 10.28 north tower collapeses. Interview with Nafeez mossadeq ahmed - proffesor of contemporary university of sussex. Through the Documentary the lighting is always quite dull as on that day people knew it was a disaster and that many lives would be lost. Images on 911 also blur into images of bin laden. It is a day that nobody will forget and everyone who lost their lives that day will be rememerbed.
This image underneath shows the fact that bin laden 
was getting the blame from many people..

Fast movement through some of the scenes for example at the start of the documentary its like the camera is moving very fast over america. This could make the audience think its the plane going towards the two towers. Cutaway from image to image of the towers and the damage. Also there is an image of the twin towers getting destroyed by the plane then it blurrs out into a picture of bin laden. Cutaways of different real footages. They also use slow motion when the plane is going to hit the towers, this is to show the atmosophere and to show the audience how badly is was, making them understand. There are many cutaways included in the documentary.

There is not much graphics in this documentary but there are a few, for example:
White writing on a black screen, this could maybe show the atmosphere of the day.
Writing starts moving as if its like the tower moving or collapsing.
3d images of both towers, which the image underneath shows.

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