Thursday 5 January 2012

Laura Croft - That thing.

  • The Representation of Women - Showing that she is strong and undistructable, being strong character. Its opposite to how women are usually represented.
  • Role Models - Laure Croft towards women.
  • Virtual vs Reality
  • Violence  - Where it shows Laura Croft using weapons such as guns, killing animals whilst in the game
  • Feminism - Showing that Laura Croft is a strong and brave gender. 

Narrative Structure:
Present of narrator making sure the audience understand what it is about. Evolution (boob job), Its also Non-linear which this means the documentary can be out of order, for example it may go back in time.
With in this Documentary there is a Male narrator speaking in the background so that they know the point is being put across and so people understand what the documentary is about. 
Chronilogical storyline.

Camera work:
Thre are Interviews with rules of thirds and they are mainly medium close ups.
There is an extreme close up of Angelina Jolie to show the audience its based around her, this is what the documetary is about so they need the attention on Laura Croft.
Shot frames up game footage which then zooms out so the audience can see the consumer
Zooms in on magazines showing what teenagers like to look at and read through.
Pans across people playing the game to show the tension and atmosphere.

Boys are all playing together shows the atmosphere and the relationship they have towards one another (friendly). Backgrounds were always relevant, and in some they did blue screen shots.
Shows Computers and mouse repeatedly, maybe to show the technology they use today and what they can do with it. Interviews are always from left to right, and usually they are medium shot so the audience know the person on the interview is the main focus.
There are props such as a computer and a mice.

Relevant synchronized sounds during the game
Laras Voice as a charactor then the audience will Angelinas voice which is the same, this also shows what the charactor is like and how she is different to the real Angelina Jolie.
Male voice over (Narrator) making the audience understand about the documentary.
Lara Croft is related to Madonna and one of her songs was played in the background to show relevance
Quiet music in the background when the game was being played by people on the documentary showing the audience that they are concentrating.

Fast motion of the computers -this is maybe to fasten the paste up as it isnt the most important part in the documentary, could also make the effects look good and more interesting. Match on action shots are also used. Subtitles and images pop up on the documentary, for example they use white on black writing.
Blurred the background of game to concentrate on interviews, this was a blurred image of Laura croft to show the audience they are still talking about her but its not the main focus the interviewee was.
Blue screen this is so they can edit. There are also Cutaways all the way through, from different images etc.
There is a Created montage (fantasy from cartoon and person).
There was a picture of Laura Croft and it faded into Angelina Jolie, this is used to compare the charactor to real person. There are Straight cuts all the way through the documentary, for example there was different cut aways from interviews where it would cut a short clip of the game or a image, this was when they were discussing parts of the game which would relate to the image or short clip of the game.

Archive material:
Showed realism of the character (Angelina Jolie)
Footage of front covers of magazines
Game footage, this shows what the game would be like.
Shows Film footage.
Adverts - to advertise laura croft the game.
Websites are used so people can know more about it and get more information.

The game, there are also clips of the film 'Laura Croft' this lets the audience know what the film in like and if the charactor is like the person in the game, or the real charactor Angelina Jolie.
Writing in the screen comes up over the images.
Name of interviewee is shown in big font at the bottom of the screen during the interviews to show what their names are so the audience know who they are listening to.

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