Thursday 5 January 2012

Interview Quesitons.

* When did you have plastic surgery?
* Why did you have plastic surgery?
* How much did it cost to have surgery and do you think it was worth it?
* Do you think it has changed you as a person?
* Would you recommend it to other people?
* After having this procedure would you have anything else done?
* Was it your choice to have plastic surgery or did somebody convince you?
* How long did it take you to recover?
* What was your main concern of the surgery?
* If your daughter had the same problem would you allow her to have surgery?
* What were the options if the procedure wasn’t taken into place?
* Is this procedure covered by insurance?
* How did you find your surgeon?
* Were there any limitations after surgery?
* Are you happy of the effects of the surgery?
* How long did the operation last?
* What was the success rate of your operation?
* Was there any extra that wasn’t included in the price?
* What type of implant was used?

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