Thursday 5 January 2012

Titles and Times

Title Plan:
  • Beauty is Pain
  • Pain is Beauty
  • What would you change?
  • What is your idea of beauty?
  • Is Beauty Worth Pain?- We decided on 'Is Beauty worth pain?' as we can tackle it from both areas giving it a balanced argument.
What Audience are we going to aim it at?

We decided that women are more in to beauty than men.
So we would aim it on women and teenagers, we decided
on teenagers as 16 year olds are becoming more body conscious
and older people are thinking more into plastic surgery.
Is this all down to the medias influences?

What Channel would we show our documentary on?

We agreed that we would show our documentary on
channel BBC3.This is because it is a well known channel
for documentaries to be shown on. They show allot of documentaries
and programmes on beauty for example 'Snog, Marry, Avoid.' At the
moment they are also showing a series of documentaries about
teenagers with extraordinary lives. We also chose BBC as it is an
unbiased channel which is what our documentary will be.

What Time would we show our documentary at?

We decided that we would play our documentary on a week night,
at around 9.00pm. This is because we don't want younger
children to view our documentary as it may not be appropriate
for there eyes. As our audience aim is 16-45 we thought that this
was quite a popular time for them to be watching television.

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