Thursday 5 January 2012

Proposal Form

The topic of our documentary is going to be about external beauty, this will explore the advantages and disadvantages of things such as plastic surgery, usage of the sun beds and also the process a girl goes through to look good. We will be discussing the risks of surgery and influences people have as to why they go through these procedures, this could to be things as insecurities or in influences through celebrities and the media.
Our documentary will be direct, addressing the audience, although it will be direct it will also be informal directing the audience in a friendly way being unbiased towards plastic surgery and surrounding topics.
We have decided to place our documentary on BBC, we chose this because they show a lot of documentaries relating to ours, for example’ Snog, Marry, Avoid’ they also have a series of documentaries broadcasting at the moment about lives of different teenagers with extraordinary lives. We also chose the BBC to broadcast our documentary as they are an unbiased and so is our documentary. We have to chosen to broadcast the programme at 9 o’clock on a Wednesday, we decided upon this because we feel this would be a typical night where our target audience would be at home relaxing, as it is half way through the week it will be advertised before hand letting people know when it’s on.
Our target audience will be woman aged 16-40 this is because after conducting our research people relate women with beauty more than they do men. We decided upon the age because 16 year old girls are beginning to get more body conscious and we found older people think a lot about plastic surgery because of the effects of aging.
So far we have conducted a questionnaire which we handed out to thirty members of the general public, ranging from different ages and genders, the outcomes of these gave us ideas for our initial ideas. To further our research we shall interview a plastic surgeon which will give us knowledge along with statistics on his field of work making our documentary reliable. We will also visit a health advisor to further our research into the truth about the risks involved with sun beds and the reasons for things such as the change in law making the legal age to use sun beds to 18.
As well as using primary research we will also use the internet to enhance our knowledge on our chosen subject, we will be able to gain archive footage by using the internet as well as getting more statistics and real life stories about things such as surgery gone wrong.
Our documentary will not be telling a story as such; because of this it will classify our documentary as non-linear. As our documentary is unbiased it may flicker from different opinions on the subject showing the risks to the advantages.
In our documentary we will include various interviews with people who have had plastic surgery, we will ask what they had done, the risks they took, how it went and how they feel about it now. We will also be interviewing an expert such as a surgeon or a worker at a tanning salon. We will also include various cutaways of things such as questions asked to the general public and before and after pictures of celebrities of the changes that were made to their bodies.
Equipment we will need to use when filming and editing will be things such as tripods, camera, tape, microphone, a computer with Premier installed on it to edit.

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