Thursday 5 January 2012

Running Order

· clips of peoples bodies shown in a side profile changing with different peoples bodies-10 seconds
· Pictures of body parts with titles shown over the top – 10 seconds
· Questions asked to the general public about what they’d change about them – 30 seconds
· Cutaway of news paper stories about surgery with narrator over the top talking about statistics- 30 seconds
· Questions asked to general public – 20 seconds
· Celebrity before and after pictures narrator– 40 seconds
· Interview with someone who’s had surgery discussing positives – 1.50 seconds
· Cutaway – 10/20 seconds
· Archive footage of somebody having surgery – 30 seconds
· Interview with someone discussing negatives about surgery, gone wrong- 3minutes
· Narration about semi-permanent things with background of someone in a tanning salon – 30seconds
· Questions to the general public about sun beds/hair extensions etc – 40seconds
· Show someone getting id’d for going on the sun beds – 10 seconds
· Interview with someone who works at a tanning salon – 1 minute
· Cutaway of archive footage of a news clip about someone who’s addicted to the sun beds- 30 seconds
· Interviews showing peoples reactions to the statistics – 30 seconds (10.40)
· Interview with surgeon asking about patients and their opinions discussing negatives/positives-2.30 minutes
· Cutaway of someone being consulted about surgery shows the pictures of the difference it makes- 1 minute
· 3 minute advert break
· Show archive footage of tattooed make-up with narrator over the top – 40seconds
· Interview with someone who’s has make-up tattooed 1.30minutes
· Questions asked to the public about tattooed makeup-40seconds
· Interview with a tattooist who does the procedure- 2minutes
· Ask the general public about the amount of makeup they wear, in the day and when they go out – eyelashes and extensions etc. – 40seconds
· Cutaway of someone wearing heavy makeup taking it off fast forwarded -20seconds
· Look into the media (newspapers magazines) about why people feel the pressure to wear so much makeup- 1minute
· Narration about people having surgery to prevent ageing, before and after pictures- 20 seconds
· Interview older people whether they’d have surgery to prevent ageing- 40 seconds
· Interview someone who’s had facelift/Botox etc. – 1.30
· Show someone getting botox with narrator giving statistics- 20 seconds
· Narrator giving conclusion – 20 seconds

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