Thursday 5 January 2012

Documentary Plan

  • Exercise
  • Fraud
  • Family Life
  • Animals
  • Tatoos and the story behind them
  • Stand up comedians
  • Drinking- underage drinking
  • Public Transport
  • Baking
  • Ghosts
  • Fast food vs healthy eating
  • Teenage behaviour
  • Smoking
  • Buisness
  • Beauty/ Plastic Surgery
First Idea:

Teenage Behaviour-Drugs, smoking and underage drinking.
  • Underage Drinking- Interview teenagers on how they get there alcohol and staff in pubs on how many try to get served.
  • Drugs- Interview teenagers on there thoughts and opinions on drugs and what they may have taken in the past.
  • Smoking- Interviews on how they afford to buy them, what made them start. Peer pressure or stress?
We would interview a range of teenagers, from 13 to 19 and hand out 20 questionnaires on whether they have taken part in any of the three behaviours before. It could include questions like; why? how do you buy them? Can you afford too? Do you enjoy it? Was it from bad influences? Have you considered the risks?

This was our our favourite idea of them all, however we thought differently about it as it would be a popular area to document.

Second idea:

Beauty- Sun beds, boob jobs, liposuction and face lifts.
  • Liposuction
  • Face Lifts
  • Sun Beds
  • Make up
  • Boob jobs
  • Tatoo make up
-Hand out 20 questionnaires too different age ranges
-Interview 3 people who have had surgery
  • One on who it has gone wrong for
  • One on someone talking about the risks that worried them
  • One that its gone O.K for
Examples of people who plastic surgery has gone wrong for or have took it too far:

Pete Burns
Pamela Anderson
Jocelyn Wildenstein
Janice Dickinson
Megan Ryan
Micheal Jackson
Janet Jackson
Joan Rivers
Dolly Parton

Were going to include all the above people in our documentary to show before and after picutres. Showing if it had made an improvement and the differences it has made.

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