Thursday 5 January 2012

Documentory on Crystal meth.

  • Crystal Meth - The drug that the documentary is all about, showing the affects of it and the crime it can cause.
  • Drugs - Lets the audience know how people made meth and how the whole meth became out of control, and also lets the audience know how many people were doing it.
  • Addicts - lets the audience know that when they had done it they were then addicted and couldnt stop making them more vulnerable and iller.
  • Law - It was illegal to do crystal meth but people still did it.
  • Drug smuggling - shows footage of how people smuggle it.
  • Peer pressure - Many people had been influenced by it so they also did it which led to more and more people wanting to try it out.

Narrative Structure
Follows different events which are taking place for example a home which has exploded due to crystal meth setting fire to the house, and another example is someone trying to smuggle in drugs. Meth destroying the community. Within this documentary it shows the life of people have been on drugs and what the effects are from doing them. It also shows explosions from what it can do. Images pop up showing what its done to people from before to after of them looking ill with bad splodges on their faces. The documentary follows a linear narrative, the storyline always follows the fact that its about Meth, and also Meth addiction. The narrative structure of this documentary is linear, this means that it shows it all in order from the start to finish.

Esatblishing shot of a drug home (people making meth inside)
Close up shot of police badge showing that they have the power and that its agaisnt the law to do meth.
Rule of thirds when someone is being interviewed. (Medium shots).
Image of a lady whos taken crystal meth which leads to her having red dots all over her face showing the affects. Also show an image of someones eyes close up where they are red.
They use real footage within this documentary to show the real atmosphere of what it would of been like.
Crime scene where meth was being made, looking a mess.
They also use nightvision on camera to make things more clearer for the audience and them to see.
Raided house footage, camera is handeld.
Pan shot inside a house where crystal meth had been taken, house was a mess, rubbish everywhere.
There is an extreme close up shot of pills being put in a hanbag.

Shows crimes scenes and the events taking place, people who are taking the drugs wearing shabby clothes and dont look well in the face. Lights are flashing from police cars. Physical appearance changes after the people have took the drugs.. showing them before theyve had crystal meth and after they have had it. Columbia gave up the meth completely. Shows images of the different medicines. There are a few interviews  within the documentary showing what its actually like and the effects crystal meth have. Shows real footage of the peoples houses who have consumed the drug or sold the drug. Within this documentary they use images with families torn apart making the audience know it can lead to that showing the emotion it has on other families. There are props used such as pill bottles linking to the fact that they are doing crystal meth.

The music is up beat in the documentary showing the effects and emotions. Police sirens going off which could tell the audience that police will always find out. When being interviewed slow music runs through the background showing the emotion and the effect its had on the people whos taken crystal meth. Tells a story of a young 9 year old girl being taken to foster as parents were on the drugs. The sound that is used links in with the images and they both run smoothly at the same time. Music comes on quietly when you see images of the people who have took the drug. There is a Narrator in the background making sure the audience understand the whole documentary, the narrator helps for example they use statstics.

Fast motion - this could show the audience what the drug can do to you in some kind of sense.
Words appear on the screen. Titles/Frontlines - white on black screen/ black on white screen.
Different kind of cut away images being put up on the screen then showing a different image.
One of the main graphics they use is the barcharts to show the audience when most people hae done it and when its calmed down. There are fading pictures which represent the girl not being able to go back and change time from when she was taking crystal meth she has already messed up and it cant be fixed that it why the images fade out slowly. In the corner of the screen it says 'frontline,' this is the logo for who produced the documentary. There are barcharts used withinn the documentay.

This image was released as an advert, to promote people understanding what crystal meth can do and the effects of it. By the title being 'Youll never worry about your lipstick on your teeth again' is being sarcastic, as by your teeth will be to rotten and your lips will have scabs all over them, This is a great adevertisment to release showing the effects as people would be put off it straight away in some cases.

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