Thursday 5 January 2012

Devil made me do it.

  • Crime and Punishment     
  • Religion
  • Violence
  • Media
  • Role models
  • Youth
  • Muisc- the influence
  • Behaviour
  • Good vs Evil

Narrative structure.
Marylin Manson was blamedfor the influence of the teenagers. It follows a time line and the events. Within this documentary it goes back in time towards the end so this would be circular.The narrative is epic this means it will jump from place to place. It then goes on to all three girls planning the murder and then confessing what they have done, it shows this on real footage recorder. Within this documentary it tells the audience more of why it happened than it did of what actually happened. There is also a mixture of voiceovers narrating it, as it alo shows real footage recording of all the girls speaking.

Camera Work.
There aere establishing shots of the crowds jumping around and screaming fans - this shows how many teenagers Marylin could be influencing. An image of a church pops on to the screen then shows an establishing shot of a real church and also shows the audience jesus on a cross. There is also a close up shot of the hills which shows there is evidence of greenary showing the situation. Some of it is Hand-Held camera work. Within the Camera work there are alot of interviews which then bring in headshots and close ups, there are also large angle shots to show the scene. There is a low angle camera shot of Marylin Manson trying to show the audience the influence he has on people making him look bigger and better, also showing that a lot of people look up to him. There is real CCTV footage used which links into the investigation. It uses rule of thirds when interviewing Marylin Manson.

All the fans are wearing dark clothes and a lot of dark make up this could show there emotions on the taste of there music. Paraphinalia -> bible, cross, things that people sociate with. There are smokey areas and flashy lights which show the emotions of their feelings - they obviously dont feel good and have a lot of bad thoughts going on in there heads.
Black = Death. Establishing shots of religious buildings which shows the audiences symbolic symmatary. Rock and roll music shows aggression they have. Marylin Mandon is a kinf of rebelious person as when hes walking down the streets of Italy he stands out because he is unique and his dress sense is quite dark, this is most probably why the blame was put on him. There are props used within the last scene when the murder takes place, it uses stuff like for example.. Crosses and jesus's statues, which links into the nun getting murdered and the theme of religion within The Devil Made Me Do It.

Church bells going off which lets the audience know its religious. The sound of the fans screaming showing the excitment of marylin manson. Marylin manson singing his lyrics. Interviewing of the people, their voices in the background but not images. Within this documentary sound is used instead of pictures which accounts towards the murder.There are sounds of knives and rocks which link in as it was the weapons the girls used to kill the nun. Through the whole documentary there is a narrators voice in the background making sure that the audience understand everything which is going on, telling them parts which images wont do.

White writing on a black screen - white on black. There are many cut away shots which shows images which will then quickly cut to another image. There is a fast pace of editing during the scenes of the Marylin Manson at his concerts with all the screaming audiences, as then there are slow editing during the emotive scenes. There are concert footages which shows the archive material used within the documentary. There are other editing techniques which include shot reverse shots, match on action and also eye line shots which looks like you are the nun running away.

In the documentary there are not many graphics apart from the titles, places and dates. The font that is used is a type of religious font which links into one of the themes in the document.

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