Thursday 5 January 2012

Audience Feedback Questions.

Audience Feedback Questionnaire
1.     What is your age? Please circle appropriately.
16-20  21-24   25-28   29 or over
2.   What is your gender?
Male    Female
3.   Would you watch this documentary if it was on television?
Yes   No
4.   Do you think the music with-in the documentary links in with the theme?
Yes   No
5.    Does the opening to the documentary make you watch to watch more?
Yes   No  
6.   If so… Why?
7.    Would you say there are a variety of camera angles in our documentary?
Yes   No
8.   Do you think the graphics work well together in our documentary?
Yes   No
9.   Does the titling link in with the theme of our documentary?
Yes   No
10.                      Did you find the interviews were relevant to the documentary?
11.Were any of the interviews not relevant? If so, which ones?

12.                       What did you like about our documentary?
13.                       What would you change about our documentary?
14.                       Would you say our cutaways were relevant?
Yes    No
15.                       Was our voice over relevant and informative?
Yes    No
16.                       Do you think the setting was relevant in the interviews?
Yes   No
17.                       Do you think our print advert gave an insight to our documentary?
Yes   No
18.                      Do you think our radio advert was relevant and informative towards our documentary?
Yes    No

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