Thursday 5 January 2012

Our Documentary

Our Radio Advert

Print Advert

We decided to do the advert like this as the title 'Beauty' shows that it is in fancy writing to give off the vibe that its beauty related. We also used the girl in the picture as if she is a puppet being conrtoled by the media and celebrity to get plastic surgery. We added the time so people would know which time it was on at and the channel was also added so the general public could see the information of the programme. By setting the writing to be the colour pink would grab the audiences attention. By seeing this poster people would like it and would want to know what it is about.

We used a site called Da font to get different types of fonts to go with are documentary.

Evaluation Q4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation. Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Some of the feedback we got from our documentary.
From our Audience feedback i now feel now that if i went back and did it again i would know the right things to use in the ducomentary, for example some people didnt enjoy the music so id try and find even better music, or the same for the theme. Most people enjoyed the documentary and said they would watch it on tv if they could this shows that me and my group did well and made a good and interesting documentary. Some of the audience said it was enjoyable to watch and the music set off a good atmosphere.

Audience Feedback:

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Within our documentary are poster’s advertisement and text link together, by this we were trying to portray the same message towards the intended audience. Throughout our documentary we were trying to get the message across to the general public that the media and celebrities can influence the way we see ourselves. The narrator of our documentary was also used in are radio advert, we did this as we knew they could speak out well and that they didn’t have a problem speaking again. Looking back through our documentary we used three different songs which are all beauty related such as Christina Aguilera ‘You are Beautiful’, Lady Gaga ‘Born this way’ and Glee ‘Pretty/Unpretty’. So all together everything we have used has been beauty related so that the audience can understand more about real beauty and the way people preserve themselves.
In conclusion our radio advert and print advert link into our documentary as are radio advert uses some of the documentary within it showing bits of clips of the voices to grab the audience’s attention. All the music we used within our documentary was 'pop genre' music which fell into the music codes and conventions, this clearly shows that we used the right music as it links into the message we were trying to send off throughout as the lyrics are all ab out beauty. We wanted our documentary to be on BBC3 as when we were researching which channel for it to be on we found out that most documentries were on BBC3. We were also trying to set the same message to the intended audience on each of our advertisements, this message was that 'the media was trying to influence the way people perseve themselves, making them think differently about themselves'.

Within this shot we have used Mise-en-Scene as it we have located it in a pink bedroom where obviously the girl we have used is very girly. It shows she is a beauty fanatic as she has got fake tan in the background, wearing make up, and through this she says how her isn't real. We have also used bright lighting so the audience can see the screen shot more clearly. Also using the rule of thirds we managed to get a good camera angle. This shot is showing us that the girl 'Jade Harrioson' is beauty related to the documentary as we use her in an interview within our documentary as she knows alot about make up and she tells us all about what she uses and what she spends on her products.

Within our documentary we also used graphics where we made the writing come up at the screen getting bigger then moving to the left, this was so the audience knew what the title was knowing then what the documentary was about. This add more of an affect towards the audience as 'pain' is in red letters making it look more interesting to know what the other effects of beauty can be like. This is simular to our documentary as the writing is the same font as what it is om the print advert, we used the same font so it was more relevant to our documentary. We also used the same two surgery patients so it wouldnt make things complicated and kept to the same theme.

We have also used titles at the bottom left hand side of the screen so the audience know who the person is and what they have had done to themself of what there part is in 'is beauty worth pain' as Helen Davies is a plastic surgery patient telling her story of what happened and how she felt afterwards.

This alot here is related to beauty as she is using a sunbed, this goes on to telling the audiene the effects of sunbeds and what it can do. In one way this is simular to are print advert where its a puppet being controlled by the media to look good. As this girl is using sunbeds shows that she obviously is trying to keep herself looking good. Overall our documentary is effective towards are main product as everything we have used is to do with beauty we havnt gone outside the idea of beauty we have stuck to the idea of sunbeds, make-up, plastic sugery and interviews within surgery. Our poster has remained with pink writing to let the audience know its girly with nice writing, it also has a picture of a girl on it who is like a puppet, this shows that media or celebrity life can influence the general public to be that way trying to make themselves better than what they already are.

Evaluation Q1. In what way does your media product use, develop or challange forms and conventions of real media products?

Audience Feedback Questions.

Audience Feedback Questionnaire
1.     What is your age? Please circle appropriately.
16-20  21-24   25-28   29 or over
2.   What is your gender?
Male    Female
3.   Would you watch this documentary if it was on television?
Yes   No
4.   Do you think the music with-in the documentary links in with the theme?
Yes   No
5.    Does the opening to the documentary make you watch to watch more?
Yes   No  
6.   If so… Why?
7.    Would you say there are a variety of camera angles in our documentary?
Yes   No
8.   Do you think the graphics work well together in our documentary?
Yes   No
9.   Does the titling link in with the theme of our documentary?
Yes   No
10.                      Did you find the interviews were relevant to the documentary?
11.Were any of the interviews not relevant? If so, which ones?

12.                       What did you like about our documentary?
13.                       What would you change about our documentary?
14.                       Would you say our cutaways were relevant?
Yes    No
15.                       Was our voice over relevant and informative?
Yes    No
16.                       Do you think the setting was relevant in the interviews?
Yes   No
17.                       Do you think our print advert gave an insight to our documentary?
Yes   No
18.                      Do you think our radio advert was relevant and informative towards our documentary?
Yes    No

Codes and Conventions of a Radio Advert

Common codes and conventions of radio adverts include-
  • Most commonly radio adverts are 30 seconds long, though some stations offer a 60 second slot
  • They contain a voiceover
  • often include a music bed
  •  Contain infomation about how the company can be reached or watched if a television programme
  • If for a television programme they contain clips of the programme
  • If for a television programme they pose questions that will be answered in the show

Voice over script for Documentary

Katie Price has had numerous surgical procedures, these include 5 boob jobs, liposuction and veneers. Surgery can be the answer to many peoples confidence problems most common procedures include Breast, eyes and nose. Influenced by many celebrities in the public eye. Through research we found out that Katie Price uses sun beds on a daily basis and has bald patches from gluing in her hair extensions.

Is it celebrities like this that have changed the way the public perceived themselves? Its not just celebrities that thrive to get this glamorous look.

Sunbeds are estimated to cause 100 deaths from melanoma every year in the UK. Sunbeds also cause premature skin ageing which means your skin becomes cause, leathery and wrinkled at a younger age. When the tan fades, the damage remains. Using sun beds for the first time before the age of 35 increases the risk of developing melanoma skin cancer by 75%.

People who are most at risk are younger people, people who have a lot of moles, people with fare skin, people who burn easily, people who have had skin cancer in the past, people with a family history of skin cancer.

People who use sun beds under age increase their risk of malignancy by 55% in the UK. Almost 9000 cases of meligmaloma are diagnosed each year, and more than 1000 people die from the disease each year.

Filming Diary.

Tuesday 8th Novermber:
- Started filming in town, in the golden sqaure to get some interviews.
- Did interviews in town with eight girls and one boy.
- One actors house where we filmed in underwearfrom side profile.

Thursday 10th November:
- We went to 3 actors houses to get some side profiles.
- Went to Thelwall beautitions to ask for permission to get cutaways of sunbeds and Nail stuff but they didnt reply.
- Took still pictures of beauty unlimted in Grapenhall.
- Took stills of hair salons in Thelwall.

Saturday 12th November:
-Went to two actors homes to get side profiles.
- Went to Ashleas house to film all different types of mae up being spilled out of a make up bag and made it into a title.

Wednesday 16th November:
- Went to Helen Davies house to film her interview but left the tape at home so couldnt do it due to timing.
- Went to 100 degrees to ask for permission to film around the salon and booked a date to do it.
- Went to four different beauty places and two hair salon in Lymm village to collect leaflets to make a montage out of them.

Thursday 17th November:
- Filmed a student from Priestley college discussing what surgical procejures she had done.
- Went to do some editing and realised everything we had recorded (all interviews) had no voice on it, so we had to go back and do it all over again.

Friday 18th November:
- Went to Jade Harrisons house to film her putting on make up.
- Filmed an interview of her discussing why she wears make up.
- Filmed the montage we had made out of the leaflets to get a cutaway.

Sunday 27th November:
- Filmed at 100 degrees again, from outside looking at the shop to get a few cut aways.
- Got some cutaways of the massage room in 100 degrees
- Actor Liz was recorded walking up the stairs going to the sunbeds.
- Liz recorded being id'd and paying to go on the sunbeds.
- Recorded getting onto the sunbed and taking off her make-up.

Tuesday 29th November:                     
- Filmed Helen Davies (Surgery patient) answering the questions about her procejure.

Wednesday 2nd December:
- Interviewed four girls at Warrington town at the Golden sqaure.

Monday 5th December:
- Interviewed Heather Shopland (surgery patient) answering questions about her procejure.

Wednesday 7th December:
- Went into class to capture the last bits of what we had recorded.
- Carried on editing
- Cut out the bits we didnt want to use or the bits that had gone wrong.
- Used a teacher from Priestley college to do our voice over.

Thursday 8th December:
- Made the Print Advert and completed it.
- Finished the Radio advert and gave it some last finishing touches.

Editing and Production of Radio advert

These pictures show the evidence of us editing our radio advert and the effort we put into making it

Editing Decision List

After making a logging decision list, we then finally decided what we wanted to include in our documentary, we had to cut them down so that we could have a choppy openning scene filled with different types of facts and figures. Underneath shows the lengths we had after filming each piece however we didnt keep it to this length, we sped things up and slowed things down.
  • Ellis's body - 4.55 - 4.61
  • Helens interview - 4.61 - 9.72
  • Sam L body - 9.72 - 9.78
  • Heathers interview - 9.78 - 17.52
  • Cut away picture - 17.52 - 17.61
  • Sam B body - 17.61 - 17.68
  • Decs body - 17.68 - 17.72
  • Jade interview - 17.72 - 26.83
  • Jades make up scene - 26.83 - 27.87
  • Liz Case underwear - 27.87 - 29.45
  • Liz Case Sunbed - 29.45 - 56.22
  • Sunbed Shop - 56.22- 61.03
  • Town interviews (2nd time) - 85.33 - 103.59
  • Beauty Shop outside - 103.59 - 104.02

Logging sheet.

  • 1st interview - 0.00 - 1.31
  • 2nd interview - 1.31 - 2.58
  • 3rd interview - 2.58 - 3.55
  • 4th interview - 3.55 - 4.55
  • Ellis's body - 4.55 - 4.61
  • Helens interview - 4.61 - 9.72
  • Sam L body - 9.72 - 9.78
  • Heathers interview - 9.78 - 17.52
  • Cut away picture - 17.52 - 17.61
  • Sam B body - 17.61 - 17.68
  • Decs body - 17.68 - 17.72
  • Jade interview - 17.72 - 26.83
  • Jades make up scene - 26.83 - 27.87
  • Liz Case underwear - 27.87 - 29.45
  • Liz Case Sunbed - 29.45 - 56.22
  • Sunbed Shop - 56.22- 61.03
  • Emmas body - 61.03 - 64.87
  • Town interviews (1st time) - 64.87 - 85.33
  • Town interviews (2nd time) - 85.33 - 103.59
  • Beauty Shop outside - 103.59 - 104.02

Interview Quesitons.

* When did you have plastic surgery?
* Why did you have plastic surgery?
* How much did it cost to have surgery and do you think it was worth it?
* Do you think it has changed you as a person?
* Would you recommend it to other people?
* After having this procedure would you have anything else done?
* Was it your choice to have plastic surgery or did somebody convince you?
* How long did it take you to recover?
* What was your main concern of the surgery?
* If your daughter had the same problem would you allow her to have surgery?
* What were the options if the procedure wasn’t taken into place?
* Is this procedure covered by insurance?
* How did you find your surgeon?
* Were there any limitations after surgery?
* Are you happy of the effects of the surgery?
* How long did the operation last?
* What was the success rate of your operation?
* Was there any extra that wasn’t included in the price?
* What type of implant was used?


These are the concept Storyboards which show what we will be recording in the opening of our documentary, it lasts up to 5 minutes, but also we have a running order of the whole hour of the full documentary.

Running Order

· clips of peoples bodies shown in a side profile changing with different peoples bodies-10 seconds
· Pictures of body parts with titles shown over the top – 10 seconds
· Questions asked to the general public about what they’d change about them – 30 seconds
· Cutaway of news paper stories about surgery with narrator over the top talking about statistics- 30 seconds
· Questions asked to general public – 20 seconds
· Celebrity before and after pictures narrator– 40 seconds
· Interview with someone who’s had surgery discussing positives – 1.50 seconds
· Cutaway – 10/20 seconds
· Archive footage of somebody having surgery – 30 seconds
· Interview with someone discussing negatives about surgery, gone wrong- 3minutes
· Narration about semi-permanent things with background of someone in a tanning salon – 30seconds
· Questions to the general public about sun beds/hair extensions etc – 40seconds
· Show someone getting id’d for going on the sun beds – 10 seconds
· Interview with someone who works at a tanning salon – 1 minute
· Cutaway of archive footage of a news clip about someone who’s addicted to the sun beds- 30 seconds
· Interviews showing peoples reactions to the statistics – 30 seconds (10.40)
· Interview with surgeon asking about patients and their opinions discussing negatives/positives-2.30 minutes
· Cutaway of someone being consulted about surgery shows the pictures of the difference it makes- 1 minute
· 3 minute advert break
· Show archive footage of tattooed make-up with narrator over the top – 40seconds
· Interview with someone who’s has make-up tattooed 1.30minutes
· Questions asked to the public about tattooed makeup-40seconds
· Interview with a tattooist who does the procedure- 2minutes
· Ask the general public about the amount of makeup they wear, in the day and when they go out – eyelashes and extensions etc. – 40seconds
· Cutaway of someone wearing heavy makeup taking it off fast forwarded -20seconds
· Look into the media (newspapers magazines) about why people feel the pressure to wear so much makeup- 1minute
· Narration about people having surgery to prevent ageing, before and after pictures- 20 seconds
· Interview older people whether they’d have surgery to prevent ageing- 40 seconds
· Interview someone who’s had facelift/Botox etc. – 1.30
· Show someone getting botox with narrator giving statistics- 20 seconds
· Narrator giving conclusion – 20 seconds

Secondary Research

Sun beds
• Sun beds aren't a safe alternative to tanning outdoors. Like the sun, sun beds give out harmful UV rays which damage the DNA in our skin cells and can cause skin cancer.
• Sun beds are estimated to cause around 100 deaths from melanoma every year in the UK.
• Sun beds also cause premature skin ageing, which means that your skin becomes coarse, leathery and wrinkled at a younger age. So when the tan fades, the damage remains.
• By using sun beds people may think they look better with a tan which is why they do it but it’s damaging the body and could cause cancer.

People who are most at risk:
• Younger people
• People who have a lot of moles
• People with fair skin
• People who burn easily
• Have had skin cancer in the past
• A family history of skin cancer

People who use sun beds underage increase their risk of malignant by 75%.
In the UK almost 9,000 cases of malignant melanoma are diagnosed each year - and more than 1,800 die from the disease each year.

Plastic Surgery.
Boob job = Start at £2,750 then increases to £5000
Nose Job = £3000 - £4000
Liposuction= £1.500 - £5000
Facelifts = £4.500

Surgeons can reshape the appearance of body parts through cosmetic surgery. Some of the most common body parts people want to improve through surgery include:
Breasts: Increase or reduce the size of breasts or reshape sagging breasts
Ears: Reduce the size of large ears or set protruding ears back closer to the head
Eyes: Correct drooping upper eyelids or remove puffy bags below the eyes
Face: Remove facial wrinkles, creases or acne scars
Hair: Fill in balding areas with one's own hair
Nose: Change the shape of the nose
Tummy: Flatten the abdomen

Articles on Plastic surgery.

This spread sheet shows us the amount of people getting plastic surgery in England and the rises and falls of the amount of men or women getting different types of surgery in different years. it shows us that 9,430 breast enlargements were done in the UK in 2010 going up by 10% from 2009 and women getting liposuction went down by 3.8% from 3,010 down to 2,896 from 09-10.

These are some more statistics i have found whilst doing my secondary research-
  • Sunbeds are estimated to cause 100 deaths from melanoma every year in the UK
  • Sunbeds also cause premature skin ageing, which means that your skin becomes coarse, leathery and wrinkled at a younger age. So when the tan fades, the damage remains.

Using sunbeds for the first time before the age of 35 increases the risk of developing melanoma skin cancer by 75%.

Articles on Plastic surgery.

"Even relatively minor mishaps can be unsightly and embarrassing, and plastic surgery gone wrong includes an enormous range of problems, from capsular contraction in breast implants (where the implants harden painfully) to problems with the wound and the slippage of implants inserted in a range of locations, including cheeks, chin, and butt. Surely we wouldn't wish these accidents on our worst enemies - unless they were in the public eye."

"Thirty years ago they were the heart-throbs of French television with their own primetime series on science fiction.
Now Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff look more like the alien life forms they used to report on.
The twin brothers have had so much plastic surgery they are barely recognisable.
Posing for pictures as the 150th anniversary party for luxury jeweller Chopard, the pair - now aged 60 - looked freakier than ever" ->
"From questions about costs of plastic surgery, to the history and definition of plastic surgery, this is the place to find general information on all things plastic surgery related."

Boobs bums and Botox. Video on

Mother and daughter, how mother has had Botox, teeth bleached, hair straightened and a boob job:
What happens on the day of surgery:
Woman having surgery, showing surgery and interviewing her as it goes:
                                                   Celebrities, before and after surgery:

Many People are influenced to wear make up and have plastic surgery as either they are influence be the image of celebrities or they are influenced by magazines telling them how to look good and how to love who you are. Women will look up to people like katie price and want to change themselves, having surgery trying to be more like her. Are celebrities the ones making the general public perseve the way they look.

Proposal Form

The topic of our documentary is going to be about external beauty, this will explore the advantages and disadvantages of things such as plastic surgery, usage of the sun beds and also the process a girl goes through to look good. We will be discussing the risks of surgery and influences people have as to why they go through these procedures, this could to be things as insecurities or in influences through celebrities and the media.
Our documentary will be direct, addressing the audience, although it will be direct it will also be informal directing the audience in a friendly way being unbiased towards plastic surgery and surrounding topics.
We have decided to place our documentary on BBC, we chose this because they show a lot of documentaries relating to ours, for example’ Snog, Marry, Avoid’ they also have a series of documentaries broadcasting at the moment about lives of different teenagers with extraordinary lives. We also chose the BBC to broadcast our documentary as they are an unbiased and so is our documentary. We have to chosen to broadcast the programme at 9 o’clock on a Wednesday, we decided upon this because we feel this would be a typical night where our target audience would be at home relaxing, as it is half way through the week it will be advertised before hand letting people know when it’s on.
Our target audience will be woman aged 16-40 this is because after conducting our research people relate women with beauty more than they do men. We decided upon the age because 16 year old girls are beginning to get more body conscious and we found older people think a lot about plastic surgery because of the effects of aging.
So far we have conducted a questionnaire which we handed out to thirty members of the general public, ranging from different ages and genders, the outcomes of these gave us ideas for our initial ideas. To further our research we shall interview a plastic surgeon which will give us knowledge along with statistics on his field of work making our documentary reliable. We will also visit a health advisor to further our research into the truth about the risks involved with sun beds and the reasons for things such as the change in law making the legal age to use sun beds to 18.
As well as using primary research we will also use the internet to enhance our knowledge on our chosen subject, we will be able to gain archive footage by using the internet as well as getting more statistics and real life stories about things such as surgery gone wrong.
Our documentary will not be telling a story as such; because of this it will classify our documentary as non-linear. As our documentary is unbiased it may flicker from different opinions on the subject showing the risks to the advantages.
In our documentary we will include various interviews with people who have had plastic surgery, we will ask what they had done, the risks they took, how it went and how they feel about it now. We will also be interviewing an expert such as a surgeon or a worker at a tanning salon. We will also include various cutaways of things such as questions asked to the general public and before and after pictures of celebrities of the changes that were made to their bodies.
Equipment we will need to use when filming and editing will be things such as tripods, camera, tape, microphone, a computer with Premier installed on it to edit.