Thursday 5 January 2012

Our Documentary

Our Radio Advert

Print Advert

We decided to do the advert like this as the title 'Beauty' shows that it is in fancy writing to give off the vibe that its beauty related. We also used the girl in the picture as if she is a puppet being conrtoled by the media and celebrity to get plastic surgery. We added the time so people would know which time it was on at and the channel was also added so the general public could see the information of the programme. By setting the writing to be the colour pink would grab the audiences attention. By seeing this poster people would like it and would want to know what it is about.

We used a site called Da font to get different types of fonts to go with are documentary.

Evaluation Q4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation. Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Some of the feedback we got from our documentary.
From our Audience feedback i now feel now that if i went back and did it again i would know the right things to use in the ducomentary, for example some people didnt enjoy the music so id try and find even better music, or the same for the theme. Most people enjoyed the documentary and said they would watch it on tv if they could this shows that me and my group did well and made a good and interesting documentary. Some of the audience said it was enjoyable to watch and the music set off a good atmosphere.

Audience Feedback:

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Within our documentary are poster’s advertisement and text link together, by this we were trying to portray the same message towards the intended audience. Throughout our documentary we were trying to get the message across to the general public that the media and celebrities can influence the way we see ourselves. The narrator of our documentary was also used in are radio advert, we did this as we knew they could speak out well and that they didn’t have a problem speaking again. Looking back through our documentary we used three different songs which are all beauty related such as Christina Aguilera ‘You are Beautiful’, Lady Gaga ‘Born this way’ and Glee ‘Pretty/Unpretty’. So all together everything we have used has been beauty related so that the audience can understand more about real beauty and the way people preserve themselves.
In conclusion our radio advert and print advert link into our documentary as are radio advert uses some of the documentary within it showing bits of clips of the voices to grab the audience’s attention. All the music we used within our documentary was 'pop genre' music which fell into the music codes and conventions, this clearly shows that we used the right music as it links into the message we were trying to send off throughout as the lyrics are all ab out beauty. We wanted our documentary to be on BBC3 as when we were researching which channel for it to be on we found out that most documentries were on BBC3. We were also trying to set the same message to the intended audience on each of our advertisements, this message was that 'the media was trying to influence the way people perseve themselves, making them think differently about themselves'.

Within this shot we have used Mise-en-Scene as it we have located it in a pink bedroom where obviously the girl we have used is very girly. It shows she is a beauty fanatic as she has got fake tan in the background, wearing make up, and through this she says how her isn't real. We have also used bright lighting so the audience can see the screen shot more clearly. Also using the rule of thirds we managed to get a good camera angle. This shot is showing us that the girl 'Jade Harrioson' is beauty related to the documentary as we use her in an interview within our documentary as she knows alot about make up and she tells us all about what she uses and what she spends on her products.

Within our documentary we also used graphics where we made the writing come up at the screen getting bigger then moving to the left, this was so the audience knew what the title was knowing then what the documentary was about. This add more of an affect towards the audience as 'pain' is in red letters making it look more interesting to know what the other effects of beauty can be like. This is simular to our documentary as the writing is the same font as what it is om the print advert, we used the same font so it was more relevant to our documentary. We also used the same two surgery patients so it wouldnt make things complicated and kept to the same theme.

We have also used titles at the bottom left hand side of the screen so the audience know who the person is and what they have had done to themself of what there part is in 'is beauty worth pain' as Helen Davies is a plastic surgery patient telling her story of what happened and how she felt afterwards.

This alot here is related to beauty as she is using a sunbed, this goes on to telling the audiene the effects of sunbeds and what it can do. In one way this is simular to are print advert where its a puppet being controlled by the media to look good. As this girl is using sunbeds shows that she obviously is trying to keep herself looking good. Overall our documentary is effective towards are main product as everything we have used is to do with beauty we havnt gone outside the idea of beauty we have stuck to the idea of sunbeds, make-up, plastic sugery and interviews within surgery. Our poster has remained with pink writing to let the audience know its girly with nice writing, it also has a picture of a girl on it who is like a puppet, this shows that media or celebrity life can influence the general public to be that way trying to make themselves better than what they already are.

Evaluation Q1. In what way does your media product use, develop or challange forms and conventions of real media products?