Thursday 14 July 2011


When we were filming it went pretty well as the first person we used to be in a filming did everything good and got on with what he was doing, he was not shy and was confident in front of the camera, the audience can also hear every word he says as he pronounces it very clearly. I thought the filming went well accept for one time which was when we filmed everything and then when we watched it back we realised we had not turned the microphone on, so we had to then go back and do it all again, also when we first went to film it we took the equipment back to the classroom and got all the equipment ready, to then find out that there was no battery for the camera this then took time to go back and get a new case with a different camera. However on the second time we filmed it went well and everything went to plan, the music was good, the person we used did well again and this time we used the microphone so we could hear what was being said when we watched the film back. If we were to film again I would improve the different music choices and different edits throughout the filming. As we were filming the lighting was good as it was not dull at anytime and you could always see the person who was being filmed.
When we were editing the film it went alright again as it didn’t drag on and we had enough cutaways, this made it easier for us. In some bits it didn’t make sense so we got rid of them and went back so it would make sense. It follows the code and conventions as when we were filming the character we always kept them to the right or left hand side of the screen. Although in some bits of filming we didn’t follow the code and conventions as the interviewee looked at the camera a couple of times which we then realised but again when back and changed so they were looking at the interviewer not the camera itself. By keeping the light in front of the interviewee made it easier to watch as you could see that person with the light shining on them, as for example if the lighting was shining behind them into the camera it could make it harder for the audience to watch or might ruin the filming. We also got rid of what the interviewer was asking as the question shouldn’t be put in the film just the answers of the person being interviewed. Graphics are used to anchor who the person on screen is and their relevance to the topic of the document.